Read our popular FAQ's

When you should receive your order is based on the delivery method that you chose at the checkout. If you chose 'Next Day Delivery' you can expect your order the next working day, however if you placed this order after our daily cut-off at 4pm, then it may take 2 working days.

Depending on your method of return, it may take a few days for your return to be received by us. We recommend sending your return via tracked post as you can use the tracking number to see when it was delivered to us. After this date, please allow up to 21 days for your return to be processed by our returns department.

You will receive an email after your return is processed stating so. It may take 5-10 working days for your refund to appear back into your bank account. Store credit will appear back in your GTT account immediately. 

If you have not received confirmation 28 days after the date your return was due in with us, you can then contact customer service to follow up for you.

You will receive email confirmation of a partial refund in one of three circumstances:
  • If you have not returned all of the items in your order - The total is not refunded
  • If you have returned your entire order – The shipping cost is not refunded as per our returns policy so this show up as ‘’partial refund’’. 
  • If you returned via the An Post portal - we charge a €4.95 fee for items returned with this method. This is deducted from your refund during the returns process.